Wednesday, 7 December 2016

HP M103 Certifications Sample Q & A- Part 1

Few Questions & Answers collected from different online & offline sources for HP0-M103 certifications.

Part 1  

Q1)  what does DFE (Data format extension) support for?
A)    Enables easier scripting of web applications by providing the ability to decode and encode formatted data that is exchanged between client and server.

Click Here for more detail about DFE.

Q2)  what was the LoadRunner testing process?
A)    1) Plan the load test;
 2) Create the scripts;
 3) Create the scenarios;
 4) Executive the scenarios;
 5) Analyse the results;
 6) Optimise the system;
Q3)  LoadRunner provided default actions
A)    Vuser_Init
Q4)  If you are modifying the script from the controller, in order to reflect the changes of the script in the controller, what action you need to be performed?
A)    Refresh the script in the controller

Q5)  What MI Listener do in the loadrunner? 
A)    To enable 'running Vusers' or 'monitoring' over a firewall, you need to install the MI Listener on one or more machines in the same LAN as the Controller outside the firewall.
 The Controller installation automatically includes the MI Listener, so you can designate the Controller as the MI Listener machine.
 The MI Listener can only be installed on Windows machines.

Q6)  How do you set up your LoadRunner system over Firewalls?
A)    Setting up your system to work with Firewalls involves the following stages of configuration
 1) Install the 'over-firewall' components;
 2) Perform initial configuration of the 'over – firewall' system;
 3) Configure the LoadRunner Agent;
 4) Connect the controller to load generator and MI Listener machines;
 5) Define what to monitor on your servers;
 6) Check connectivity.

7Q)  Where can we print the controller messages in controller?
A)    Controller output window
  lr_output_message -> sends a special notification to output window
  lr_log_message-> sends output message directly to a file output.
  lr_vuser_status_message - > Generates & prints formatted output messages to controller vuser status area.

Q8)  What is SLA failure?
A)    The Actual SLA is not meeting the defined SLA (expected).

Q9)  Program on error handling 
A)   Sample transaction is provided below.
Text1can be a parameter or co-relation an needs to be registered before the transaction.
         lr_end_transaction ("01_WebTours_Launch", LR_PASS);
         lr_error_message("%s",lr_eval_string("Login is failed for this user {VuserID} Iteration number {Iteration_Number}"));

Q9-A) What does the statement lr_end_transaction ("01_WebTours_Launch", LR_PASS);” tells us?
A)   you can manually set the status of any transaction using status attribute.
LR_PASS:- For Success
LR_FAIL:- For Failure
LR_AUTO:- value will be automatically assigned
LR_STOP:- For Aborted

Q10) Where can we set limit only for 50 users in loadrunner? 
A)     Runtime settings

Q11) What is workload modelling?
A)   Distribution of Virtual users along the different scripts with calculated Pacing and thinktime.

Q12) How do you know the status of every Vuser during a test run?
A)   Click on Vusers button on controllers tab

Q13) How many Vusers can be run in the virtual user generator?
A)   1 (only one user per vugen script) 

Q14) The maximum number of transactions that can be present in script is? 
A)   No limit (or) any number of transactions

Q15) How many iterations that can keep in virtual user generator?
A)   Any number

Q16) Hits per second is used in analysing?
A)   Scalability of the Applications.

Q17) what is the maximum number of vusers that can be generated from load generator?
A)   depends upon the license and load generator capacity.

Q18) which system process helps generating the load in loadrunner? 
A)   LoadRunner Agent process

Q19) Hits is defined as 
A)   HTTP requests made by Vusers to the Web server 

Q20) The download time of each page in the script and its components and at what point during download time problems occurred can be found out in 
A)   page break down graph

Q21) How do we get response times of various pages? 
A)   By defining transactions

Q22) What is the function submitting forms in web script? 
A)   web_submit_data ()

Q23) What are the modes of viewing a script? 
A)   Tree view and script view

Q24) Why do we put text checks in the script?
A)   To validate the the actual page is same as expected. LR by itself cannot judge whether the returned page is the required page .Hence we will have to explicitly put page checks.

Q25) lr_whoami ?
A)  lr_whoami - retrieves information about a Vuser and places it into a message string. The message string contains Vuser login information that connects with a server.

Memory for vuser_group is allocated automatically. Do not alter the id, scid;
char *vuser_group;
lr_whoami(&id, &vuser_group, &scid);
lr_message( "Group: %s, vuser id: %d, scenario id %d", vuser_group, id, scid);

Q26) What is vuser script?
A)   The actions that a vuser performs during the scenario are described as vuser script.

Q27) What are the different states of a Vuser crosses before it comes to run state? 
A)   Down, Pending, Init and Ready.

Q28) Relation between Hits per second and Throughput? 
A)   directly proportional

Hits per Second - Pag: 252 - Chapter 14 • Web Resources Graphs:
This Graph shows the number of HTTP requests made by Vusers to the Web server during each second of the load test scenario run.

Throughput Graph - Pag: 261 - Chapter 14 • Web Resources Graphs:
This graph shows the amount of throughput on the server during each second of the load test scenario run. Throughput is measured in bytes or megabytes and represents the amount of data that the Vusers received from the server at any given second.

Q29) Relation between Available Bytes and Committed Bytes?
A)   inversely proportional

Q 30) Performance testing is one of the type of the non-functional testing comes under
A)   White box testing

Q31) Which of the following is not supported scripting languages for loadrunner? 
A)   .NET  ( selected from the set of options provided here). Check the supporting languages as the options might change.

Q32) You are running a 3 –tier web application with which component must the load generator communicate? 
A)   Controller

Q33) Example of conceptual goal statement? 
A)   The application’s update function should still work under heavy load

Q34) What term defines the end to end measurement of time when one (or) more steps are completed?
A)   Transaction

Q35) Which parameter type will always have the value of one when replayed in Vugen?
A)   Group Name

Q36) What must you do before attempting to automatically correlate after recording?
A)   play back the script at least one time

Q37) Which is used for executing the scenarios in the controller?
A)   Load Profiler is used to execute the scenarios in the controller

HP M103 Certifications Sample Q & A - Part 2

Part 2: Continued from Part 1

Set of 10 Questions
Q. 1: What is the LoadRunner term that describes the time a user pauses between steps?

A. Pacing
B. User Delay
C. Think time
D. Navigation time
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Q. 2: What is the first stage of load testing process?
A. Plan the load test
B. Create the scenario
C. Execute the scenario
D. Create VuGen scripts
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Q. 3: When analyzing a technical aspect of a system under test, which group is a helpful source of information?
A. End users
B. Functional experts
C. Application experts
D. Corporate executives
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Q. 4: Which file type has an extension .lrr?
A. Script
B. Results
C. Analysis
D. Scenario
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Q. 5: You are a LoadRunner expert consultant and have been assigned to a client that needs to performance test an application that has not yet been released. How can you obtain information about the application anticipated load?

A. Estimate how the application will be used
B. Obtain the necessary information from web logs
C. Look in the application’s database to determine the anticipated load
D. Consult with the business experts to determine the anticipated load 
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Q. 6: Which LoadRunner component runs the vuser that generates the load?

A. VuGen
B. Analysis
C. Controller
D. Load Generator/host
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Q. 7: You are running a 3-tier web application. With which component must the load generator(s) communicate? (Select Two)
A. VuGen
B. Analysis
C. Controller
D. Web server
E. Database server
F. Application server
<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 8: Which statement is an example of a conceptual goal?
A. The application’s update function should still work under heavy load
B. The update transaction must attain 200 concurrent users during peak time
C. The search transaction should respond within 5 seconds during normal usage
D. The login transaction should respond within 4 seconds or less during heavy usage
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Q. 9: Which term defines the end-to-end measurement of time when one or more steps are completed?
A. Transaction.
B. Action section.
C. Business Process.
D. Business Verification.
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Q. 10: During the analysis of a scenario, you realize that the hits per second become flat as Vusers continue to increase. What is likely to cause?

A. A bandwidth problem
B. A database server problem
C. A web server connection problem
D. An application server connection problem

Correct Answers to Earlier Questions - Q. 1 to Q 10 are as under:
Question No.
Correct Answer
Q. 1
Q. 2
Q. 3
Q. 4
Q. 5
Q. 6
Q. 7
Q. 8
Q. 9
Q. 10

HP M103 Certifications Sample Q & A - Part 3

Part 3: Continued from Part 2

Set of 10 Questions
Q. 11: Which scenario type helps you plan for future growth and provides a safety factor with the application?
A. Debug
B. Full Load
C. Top Time
D. Scalability

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 12: What is an example of a stress test?
A. Purchasing at an e-commerce site
B. Updating orders on a client/server system
C. Viewing upcoming flight itineraries on a flight reservation application
D. Displaying the home page immediately after a marketing promotion has been run

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 13: What is the first indication of a performance problem?
A. The network delay time is above 15ms.
B. The DNS is not resolving the machine name.
C. The Web server's available memory drops below 1 GB.
D. The end user experiences higher than expected response time

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 14: You are meeting a new LoadRunner customer. The application under test is a call center application used by the customer representatives. The representatives are located in Phoenix, AZ and Columbus, OH. A large customer base resides in Flagstaff, AZ and Cincinnati, OH. The servers are located in Washington, DC. Where would you place the load generator machines? (Select two.)
A. Phoenix, AZ
B. Flagstaff, AZ
C. Columbus, OH
D. Cincinnati, OH
E. Washington, DC

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 15: Which file defines the Vusers to execute, the number of Vusers to run, the goals of the test, the computer that hosts the Vusers, and the conditions under which to run the load test?
A. Script
B. Group
C. Session
D. Scenario

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 16: What is an external data source?
A. User ID
B. Password
C. E-mail address
D. Purchase order number

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 17: What are the main types of service level agreements available in the Controller and Analysis? (Select two.)
A. Per Time Interval
B. Errors per Second
C. Over the Whole Run
D. Average Hits per Run
E. Average Throughput per Run
F. Average Transaction Response Time

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 18: Which performance test objective is met when determining the cause of performance degradation?
A. Reliability
B. Regression
C. Acceptance
D. Capacity planning
E. Product evaluation
F. Bottleneck identification

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 19: What are advantages of using automated load tests over manual load tests? (Select three.)
A. Repeatability
B. Easier to scale
C. Improved validity
D. Increased hardware resources
E. Simplicity of gathering analysis data

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 20: Which tool is used to manage and maintain a scenario?

A. VuGen
B. Analysis
C. Controller
D. Load generator

Correct Answers to Earlier Questions - Q. 11 to Q 20 are as under:
Question No.Correct Answer
Q. 11C
Q. 12D
Q. 13D
Q. 14A,C
Q. 15D
Q. 16D
Q. 17A,C
Q. 18F
Q. 19A,B.E
Q. 20C

HP M103 Certifications Sample Q & A - Part 4

Part 4: Continued from Part 3

Set of 10 Questions

Q. 21: Which Analysis graph details transaction response times throughout the test?

A. Transactions per Second
B. Average Transaction Response Time
C. Transaction Response Time Under Load
D. Transaction Response Time (distribution)

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 22: Which types of reports can be automatically generated in the Analysis tool? (Select two.)
B. MS Excel
C. MS Word
D. Adobe PDF
E. Crystal Report
F. Rich Text Format

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 23: Which graph can analyze each web page component's relative server and network time?
A. Throughput
B. Windows Resources
C. Time to First Buffer Breakdown
D. Transaction Performance Summary

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Q. 24: What does the image shown in the exhibit represent? 

A. Auto Correlation
B. Service Level Agreement
C. Transaction Performance Summary
D. Transaction Response Time (distribution)

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Q. 25: Which option in the Analysis tool allows you to focus on a specific measurement within your graph?
A. Drill Down
B. Apply Filter
C. Merge Graphs
D. Auto Correlate

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 26: Which Analysis graph identifies web pages that take the most time; isolates where time is spent; and helps in identifying DNS resolution, SSL, and connection issues?
A. Windows Resource
B. Network Delay Time
C. Time to First Buffer Breakdown
D. Page Download Time Breakdown

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 27: You are running a test and notice that during the ramp up, the response times are beginning to drastically increase. How can you instruct LoadRunner to stop ramping up Vusers and hold the current number?
A. Press the STOP button on the Controller's main window
B. Press the PAUSE button on the Interactive Schedule graph
C. Select the option to wait for the current iteration to end before stopping
D. Select the Vusers in the Ready state from the Vusers window and click the STOP button

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 28: During the run of a scenario, which LoadRunner component stores the performance monitoring data?
A. Analysis
B. Controller
C. File server
D. Load generator/host

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 29: Which scenario allows LoadRunner to automatically manage the Vusers?
A. Manual
B. Session
C. Real-Life
D. Automated
E. User-Defined
F. Goal-oriented

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 30: Which scenario execution run is used to verity the load limit before more resources are required?
A. Debug
B. Full Load
C. Top Time
D. Scalability

Correct Answers to Earlier Questions - Q. 21 to Q 30 are as under:

Question No.Correct Answer
Q. 21B
Q. 22A,D
Q. 23C
Q. 24B
Q. 25A
Q. 26D
Q. 27B
Q. 28B
Q. 29F
Q. 30D

HP M103 Certifications Sample Q & A - Part 5

Part 5: Continued from Part 4

Set of 10 Questions
Q. 31: Where in the Run-time settings can you define to only send messages when an error occurs?
A. General: Log
B. General: Run Logic
C. General: Miscellaneous
D. General: Additional Attributes

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 32: << Duplicate Question. Deleted from the list >>
<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 33 which scenario execution run allows you to verify the system performs as expected under load?
A. Debug
B. Full Load
C. Top Time
D. Scalability

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 34: When you specify to iterate a script 10 times, which sections of the script are iterated?
A. Group
B. Action
C. Vuser_init
D. Vuser_end

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 35: Where are the results stored during the run of a scenario?
A. Analysis
B. Controller
C. Utility server
D. Load generator

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 36: When you define a rendezvous point in a scenario, where should the Ir_start transaction function be placed?
A. At the end of the action section
B. At the beginning of the action section
C. Immediately after the rendezvous function
D. Immediately before the rendezvous function

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 37: While analyzing the Vuser log files from a scenario run, you see the following log file from one of the Vusers. 
Start auto log message stack - Iteration 1. 
Starting action BookFlight. BookFlight-c(5): 
Notify: Transaction WT_00_Home_Page started. 
BookFlight.c(7): Error -27796: Failed to connect to server [10061] 
End auto log message stack. What was the logging type ?
A. Standard Logging
B. Extended Logging
C. Always send a message
D. End, message only when an error occurs

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 38: A script was recorded with an average think time for an advanced user. An advanced user pauses 5 seconds between clicks. A first-time user pauses an average of 10 seconds between clicks. How can you modify the think time run-time settings to emulate a first-time user?
A. Set the think time to s recorded
B. Set the think time to multiply the recorded think time by 4
C. Set the think time to a random percentage between 150% - 250%
D. Set the think time to replay as recorded, but limit the think time to 10 seconds

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 39: How can you validate that the LoadRunner Agent is running on the load generator?
A. Port 443 will be open.
B. The MIFW.exe process will be running.
C. The radar dish wall appear in the system tray.
D. The load generator will be pinged using the name/DNS/IP.

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 40: Which scenario execution run allows you to look for potential transactions that require significantly longer times to complete?
A. Debug
B. Full Load
C. Scalability
D. Top Time Transaction

Correct Answers to Earlier Questions - Q. 31 to Q 40 are as under:

Question No.Correct Answer
Q. 31A
Q. 32B
Q. 33B
Q. 34B
Q. 35D
Q. 36C
Q. 37D
Q. 38C
Q. 39C
Q. 40D

HP M103 Certifications Sample Q & A - Part 6

Part 6: Continued from Part 5

Set of 10 Questions
Q. 41: << Duplicate Question. Deleted from this page >>

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 42: Which scenario run is recommended to set the run time settings to Standard Logging?
A. Debug
B. Full Load
C. Top Time
D. Scalability

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 43: You are analyzing the results for a Debug run and realize that response times are better than SLAs. What should you do?
A. Re-run the scenario again to validate the transaction response times
B. Inform the project manager that additional performance tests are not necessary
C. Ignore the transaction response times because they are meaningless in a Debug run
D. Prepare for overload/scalability testing because the application is ready for additional users

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 44: You want to control the delay between iterations. Where do you set this in the Run-time settings?
A. General: Pacing
B. General; Think Time
C. Network: Speed Simulation
D. Browser: Browser Emulation

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 45: Which HTTP error code indicates that an individual business process is failing under load or the web application itself has crashed?
A. 200
B. 403
C. 401
D. 500

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Q. 46: Which type of file can be used in a new LoadRunner group?
A. .Irr
B. Ira
C. Irs
D. usr

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 47: What is an intersection point in a business process?
A. Scenario
B. Rendezvous
C. Transaction
D. Service level agreement

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 48: Which Run-time settings node is available to all protocols?
A. General
B. Browser
C. Network
D. Internet Protocol

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 49: Where in the Runtime settings would you set your script to run 10 iterations?
A. General: Run Logic
B. General: Miscellaneous
C. Browser: Browser Emulation
D. Internet Protocol: Preferences

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>
Q. 50: While running a script in the Controller you notice a scripting error. While the scenario is still open, you return to VuGen, make the coding modification & save the script. What do you need to do before running the scenario again?
A. Save the scenario
B. Refresh the script in the Controller
C. Refresh the Run-time settings in the Controller
D. Do nothing. The script will automatically refresh.

Correct Answers to Earlier Questions - Q. 41 to Q 50 are as under:

Question No.Correct Answer
Q. 41A
Q. 42C
Q. 43C
Q. 44A
Q. 45D
Q. 46D
Q. 47B
Q. 48A
Q. 49A
Q. 50B