Wednesday, 7 December 2016

HP M103 Certifications Sample Q & A- Part 1

Few Questions & Answers collected from different online & offline sources for HP0-M103 certifications.

Part 1  

Q1)  what does DFE (Data format extension) support for?
A)    Enables easier scripting of web applications by providing the ability to decode and encode formatted data that is exchanged between client and server.

Click Here for more detail about DFE.

Q2)  what was the LoadRunner testing process?
A)    1) Plan the load test;
 2) Create the scripts;
 3) Create the scenarios;
 4) Executive the scenarios;
 5) Analyse the results;
 6) Optimise the system;
Q3)  LoadRunner provided default actions
A)    Vuser_Init
Q4)  If you are modifying the script from the controller, in order to reflect the changes of the script in the controller, what action you need to be performed?
A)    Refresh the script in the controller

Q5)  What MI Listener do in the loadrunner? 
A)    To enable 'running Vusers' or 'monitoring' over a firewall, you need to install the MI Listener on one or more machines in the same LAN as the Controller outside the firewall.
 The Controller installation automatically includes the MI Listener, so you can designate the Controller as the MI Listener machine.
 The MI Listener can only be installed on Windows machines.

Q6)  How do you set up your LoadRunner system over Firewalls?
A)    Setting up your system to work with Firewalls involves the following stages of configuration
 1) Install the 'over-firewall' components;
 2) Perform initial configuration of the 'over – firewall' system;
 3) Configure the LoadRunner Agent;
 4) Connect the controller to load generator and MI Listener machines;
 5) Define what to monitor on your servers;
 6) Check connectivity.

7Q)  Where can we print the controller messages in controller?
A)    Controller output window
  lr_output_message -> sends a special notification to output window
  lr_log_message-> sends output message directly to a file output.
  lr_vuser_status_message - > Generates & prints formatted output messages to controller vuser status area.

Q8)  What is SLA failure?
A)    The Actual SLA is not meeting the defined SLA (expected).

Q9)  Program on error handling 
A)   Sample transaction is provided below.
Text1can be a parameter or co-relation an needs to be registered before the transaction.
         lr_end_transaction ("01_WebTours_Launch", LR_PASS);
         lr_error_message("%s",lr_eval_string("Login is failed for this user {VuserID} Iteration number {Iteration_Number}"));

Q9-A) What does the statement lr_end_transaction ("01_WebTours_Launch", LR_PASS);” tells us?
A)   you can manually set the status of any transaction using status attribute.
LR_PASS:- For Success
LR_FAIL:- For Failure
LR_AUTO:- value will be automatically assigned
LR_STOP:- For Aborted

Q10) Where can we set limit only for 50 users in loadrunner? 
A)     Runtime settings

Q11) What is workload modelling?
A)   Distribution of Virtual users along the different scripts with calculated Pacing and thinktime.

Q12) How do you know the status of every Vuser during a test run?
A)   Click on Vusers button on controllers tab

Q13) How many Vusers can be run in the virtual user generator?
A)   1 (only one user per vugen script) 

Q14) The maximum number of transactions that can be present in script is? 
A)   No limit (or) any number of transactions

Q15) How many iterations that can keep in virtual user generator?
A)   Any number

Q16) Hits per second is used in analysing?
A)   Scalability of the Applications.

Q17) what is the maximum number of vusers that can be generated from load generator?
A)   depends upon the license and load generator capacity.

Q18) which system process helps generating the load in loadrunner? 
A)   LoadRunner Agent process

Q19) Hits is defined as 
A)   HTTP requests made by Vusers to the Web server 

Q20) The download time of each page in the script and its components and at what point during download time problems occurred can be found out in 
A)   page break down graph

Q21) How do we get response times of various pages? 
A)   By defining transactions

Q22) What is the function submitting forms in web script? 
A)   web_submit_data ()

Q23) What are the modes of viewing a script? 
A)   Tree view and script view

Q24) Why do we put text checks in the script?
A)   To validate the the actual page is same as expected. LR by itself cannot judge whether the returned page is the required page .Hence we will have to explicitly put page checks.

Q25) lr_whoami ?
A)  lr_whoami - retrieves information about a Vuser and places it into a message string. The message string contains Vuser login information that connects with a server.

Memory for vuser_group is allocated automatically. Do not alter the id, scid;
char *vuser_group;
lr_whoami(&id, &vuser_group, &scid);
lr_message( "Group: %s, vuser id: %d, scenario id %d", vuser_group, id, scid);

Q26) What is vuser script?
A)   The actions that a vuser performs during the scenario are described as vuser script.

Q27) What are the different states of a Vuser crosses before it comes to run state? 
A)   Down, Pending, Init and Ready.

Q28) Relation between Hits per second and Throughput? 
A)   directly proportional

Hits per Second - Pag: 252 - Chapter 14 • Web Resources Graphs:
This Graph shows the number of HTTP requests made by Vusers to the Web server during each second of the load test scenario run.

Throughput Graph - Pag: 261 - Chapter 14 • Web Resources Graphs:
This graph shows the amount of throughput on the server during each second of the load test scenario run. Throughput is measured in bytes or megabytes and represents the amount of data that the Vusers received from the server at any given second.

Q29) Relation between Available Bytes and Committed Bytes?
A)   inversely proportional

Q 30) Performance testing is one of the type of the non-functional testing comes under
A)   White box testing

Q31) Which of the following is not supported scripting languages for loadrunner? 
A)   .NET  ( selected from the set of options provided here). Check the supporting languages as the options might change.

Q32) You are running a 3 –tier web application with which component must the load generator communicate? 
A)   Controller

Q33) Example of conceptual goal statement? 
A)   The application’s update function should still work under heavy load

Q34) What term defines the end to end measurement of time when one (or) more steps are completed?
A)   Transaction

Q35) Which parameter type will always have the value of one when replayed in Vugen?
A)   Group Name

Q36) What must you do before attempting to automatically correlate after recording?
A)   play back the script at least one time

Q37) Which is used for executing the scenarios in the controller?
A)   Load Profiler is used to execute the scenarios in the controller

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